What to include in a Baby Journal?

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Knowing what to include in a baby journal can be a little daunting when you set out on your writing journey. The key thing is to make the journal your own, there is no need to stick to a rigid template. Have fun with your writing, attach photos or personal notes and capture those treasured memories so they are never forgotten. With this in mind below we have included some content ideas that you could include in your journal. 

Birth Story

What better place to start your journal than with your beautiful baby’s birth! The swirl of emotions you felt, the anticipation and the roller coaster ride from start to finish gives you ample writing material. You could include:

  • Baby’s birth weight, height, eye colour, hair colour and birthmarks.

  • A timeline of your birth, when your waters broke, how you got to the hospital, when baby was born, first visitors, when baby came home etc. 

  • Who was your birth partner? Were they helpful or not!

  • Any funny moments. 

  • How were you feeling before and after the birth.

  • What type of delivery did baby have.

  • What did big brother or sister think of their new sibling.

  • What were grandparents / aunties and uncles / friends reactions

Weekly Entries

After the birth the fun really begins! In the first weeks you could write about getting to know your little one and how you adjust to life with your bundle of joy. Getting to grips with breast or bottle feeding, baby’s sleeping routine (or lack of one!) and learning how to change nappies. You could ask your partner or other family member to write an entry on how they feel about the new addition. And here are a few more ideas to include:

  • How life is now the baby is home.

  • Things you and your baby are doing together.

  • How your baby is progressing/ new things baby is doing.

  • Funny things baby does.

  • Baby’s favourite activities, toys and foods.

  • Any memorable moments.

  • Any other feelings or thoughts you and your partner are experiencing.

Baby Firsts

A first is the first time your baby does something they have never done before. Some parents' first big moment is their baby's first smile or laugh. This is a magical moment that only happens once so what a great entry to make in your journal. After this the firsts keep coming! First outing, first bath, first tooth, first solids, first steps, first family dinner, first playdate, first birthday and more. You may wish to record every milestone in detail or maybe just a date - it’s entirely up to you how much or how little you want to include in your journal.

Letter to the Baby

Writing a letter to your baby is a wonderful way to say a few words for your little one to discover sometime in the future. Maybe you will gift baby their journal on their 18th birthday, or when they have children of their own. You could write how you baby makes you feel after coming into your world, or you could fill the letter with hopes and dreams of the future. Maybe you want to give some sage words of advice, or just send your love into times to come.

Looking for more inspiration? How to start a Baby Journal? and What is a baby Journal? will have all the information you need to start your journaling journey.


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How to start a Baby Journal?